How to Increase Your Hidden MMR in Valorant (2024)

If you’re a Valorant player looking to climb up the ranks, you’ve probably come across the concept of hidden MMR. In a recent Reddit post, user WackyDuck0715 expressed frustration over consistently gaining lower RR and losing more RR, despite outperforming their friends who have lower ACS. They wondered how they could increase their hidden MMR if playing well didn’t seem to make a difference.


  • Hidden factors affect your RR, which players can’t fully comprehend or exploit.
  • Offensive stats like KD, ADR, and ACS don’t reveal the whole picture. It could be based on kills against lower ranks or inconsistency in clutch situations.
  • Raising your MMR takes time, especially if you have played a significant number of ranked matches. Consistently performing well can make a difference.
  • If your hidden MMR is higher than your friends’, losing a match can result in losing more RR as the matchmaker expects you to do better.

Understanding the Hidden Factors

According to Vehrimon, there are many hidden factors that affect your RR, preventing players from finding ways to abuse the system. Offensive stats like KD, ADR, and ACS don’t paint the complete picture. Your performance could be influenced by various factors, such as getting kills on lower-ranked players while your teammates deal with tougher opponents or choking in clutch situations. The game considers all these aspects when calculating RR, so it’s not solely based on your offensive stats.

[quote]”If you are getting more kills or damage in then maybe its counting stuff like you get kills on the lowest ranks while your teammates kill their hard carry, or maybe in clutch situations you choke and lose rounds while your teammates don’t. Could also be inconsistency, or worse accuracy stats or something, really anything is possible.”
– Vehrimon

While offensive stats play a role, they don’t reveal the whole story. There might be other hidden factors that contribute to your RR, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact reason behind lower gains or losses.

The Importance of Consistency

Player DroidOnPC shares an important insight when it comes to increasing your hidden MMR in Valorant. Winning games is essential to raising your MMR, but consistency and the number of ranked matches you’ve played also matter. If you have a substantial number of ranked games under your belt, it will take time to sway the average and convince the game that you deserve a higher MMR. On the other hand, if you’ve only played a few matches, a sudden improvement in your performance can lead to a drastic change in your hidden MMR.

[quote]”Playing well does change it. But you still need to win games to increase your MMR. But something a lot of people don’t realize is that there is an average. Like, if you have 1000 ranked games played, its gonna take some time to sway that average and convince the game you are a lot better than your current MMR. But if you only played like 10 ranked matches, it will change pretty drastically if you suddenly start performing well.”
– DroidOnPC

The Influence of Hidden MMR

ft_pwny offers another perspective by suggesting that WackyDuck0715 might have their hidden MMR higher than their friends’. This is why they lose more RR when losing matches. The matchmaker expects you, as a higher MMR player, to do better and win. Therefore, losing against lower MMR opponents can result in a greater loss of RR.

[quote]”I think you have it backwards. Your hidden MMR is likely higher than your friends’. You lose more RR than them because the matchmaker is expecting you (being higher MMR) to do better/win. If your MMR is higher than the lobby average and you lose, you will lose more MMR than if you were at the same level as the lobby.”
– ft_pwny

Mastering the MMR Equation

To increase your hidden MMR, it’s crucial to focus on various aspects of the game. SuperUltraMegaNice suggests you gap the strongest player on the enemy team in duels and use your abilities effectively. Clutching 1vX rounds and excelling in other unknown components can improve your MMR in Valorant.

[quote]”Gap the enemies team’s strongest player in duels. Use your util effectively. Clutch 1vX rounds. There are a TON of unknowns going into the MMR equation.”
– SuperUltraMegaNice

Additional Considerations

While ACS (Average Combat Score) is mentioned in the original post, TimeJustHappens clarifies that it is not a factor in the ranked system or considered for MMR or RR calculations. If you want to understand more about Valorant’s ranked system and MMR, including the factors involved, you can visit the subreddit’s MMR explanation page for a detailed breakdown.

[quote]”ACS is not used in the ranked system and isn’t considered for MMR or RR. If you want to know more about the ranked system and MMR, including what factors go into it, check out the [subreddit MMR explanation page](”
– TimeJustHappens

Finally, istg_ill_uwu points out that tracking services like Trn can provide insight into your hidden MMR in specific categories, allowing you to identify areas for improvement.

[quote]”Trn tracker basically shows u what ur hidden mmr in each catagory is so u basically just check at what u are normally lacking – hs% however isnt actually as important as it seems aslong as you are getting your kills in”
– istg_ill_uwu

Increasing your hidden MMR in Valorant requires a combination of factors, including consistent performance, winning matches, and excelling in different aspects of the game. While there are hidden variables at play, understanding these insights can help you navigate the system and climb up the leaderboards.

How to Increase Your Hidden MMR in Valorant (2024)


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